The Riders VHD Japan Video Disc VHPF78006
Benji VHD Japan Video Disc VHFV1014
For the Love of Benji VHD Japan Video Disc VHFV1016
Close Encounters of the Third Kind VHD Japan Video Disc VHP49151-2
Dream Lover Japan LD Laserdisc PCLM-00012
Adventures in Babysitting Japan LD Laserdisc TS098L0530
Star Trek Generations Japan LD Laserdisc PILF-2462
Duel in the Sun VHD Japan Video Disc VHP49003-4
The Longest Day VHD Japan Video Disc VHP44033-4
Lawrence of Arabia VHD Japan Video Disc VHP54005-6
Doctor Zhivago VHD Japan Video Disc VHP55020-1
Doctor Dolittle Japan Video Disc VHP49079-80
Music Video From Streets of Fire VHD Japan Video Disc VHM39017
Dumbo VHD Japan Video Disc VHP88003
Winnie the Pooh VHD Japan Video Disc VHP78153
Rainbow Live Between the Eyes Japan LD Laserdisc POLP-1603
Righteous Brothers 21st Anniversary Cenebration Japan LD Laserdisc BML-12
Michael Nesmith Elephant Parts Japan LD Laserdisc MP109-22PA
Sonny Rollins Live at Laren '73 Japan LD Laserdisc VPLR-70253
Fangoria Video Magazine Vol 2 Satanism and Witchcraft Japan LD Laserdisc G78X0133
Orca Japan LD Laserdisc 88C59-6168
Thunderbirds Memorial Box vol 2 Japan LD Laserdisc BELL-411
Crawlspace Japan LD Laserdisc G98F5386
Wham! The Video Japan LD Laserdisc 68-4M-9
Hall & Oates Seven Big Ones Japan LD Laserdisc SM048-3143
Cyndi Lauper in Paris Japan LD Laserdisc 98-4P-105
Shaolin Temple 3 Martial Arts of Shaolin (Arahan) Japan LD Laserdisc SF078-1106
Midnight Express Japan LD Laserdisc SF098-5073
Rupert and the Frog Song Japan LD Laserdisc SF058-1243 Paul McCartney
Radioactive Dreams Japan LD Laserdisc LZS-401
That's Shock (Terror in the Aisles) VHD Japan Video Disc SVE-0008
Nightmares VHD Japan Video Disc VHP78179
Clash of the Titans Japan LD Laserdisc G128F5529
Bubblegum Crisis 4 Revenge Road Japan LD Laserdisc L088-5053
Bubblegum Crisis 3 Blow Up Japan LD Laserdisc L068-5042
Silent Mobius the Motion Picture Japan LD Laserdisc PILA-1087
History of Uriah Heep Easy Livin' Japan LD Laserdisc SM068-3070
Hard n Heavy Vol 13 Japan LD Laserdisc AMLY-8017 Guns n Roses Faith No More Anthrax etc
Ian Hunter Rocks Japan LD Laserdisc VALP-3150
The Crusaders Live in Tokyo Super Jam '84 Japan LD Laserdisc G88M2011